Kamis, 06 Februari 2014


ARMOURSUIT Lian Li PC-P50ARMOURSUIT Lian Li PC-P50 is a Tool-Less PC Case category, which means up in the PC requires only minimal additional equipment.

This can occur because of the PC product design in this case equipped with a special fastening system that does not require a screw, as well as for the PSU.

For users who will built up a computer, they will find ease to do so, no special skill required to install and built the PC.

ARMOURSUIT Lian Li PC-P50 has a size of 210x490x490 mm with the holder of the rubber material in several places to reduce the vibration noice, such as the Hard-drive or optical-drive.

The air Ventilation in this PC Case is guaranteed, equipped with 4 pieces of fans and airflow in the PC Case is able to flow well and can maintain the temperature of the components to remain them in good condition.

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