Difference between ArrayList and Vector in Java

Senin, 24 Februari 2014

ArrayList and Vector are two of most used class on java collection package and difference between Vector and ArrayList is one of the most frequently asked java interview question on first round or phone interview. Though it’s quite a simple question in my opinion but knowledge of when to use Vector over ArrayList or does matter if you are working on a project. In this article we will some point based difference between Vector and ArrayList in Java and trying to understand the concept behind those differences. Ultimate goal is to familiarize yourself with distinguish property of ArrayList and Vector. By the way Java 5 adds another implementation of List interface which is similar to Vector and ArrayList but provides better concurrency access than Vector, its called CopyOnWriteArrayList. By the way this is the third article on discussing about Collection interview question,  Difference between LinkedList and ArrayList  and   List vs Set are other popular interview questions based upon collection framework in Java.

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